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OpenEdge Database Services

It can be a full-time job to maintain a powerful, advanced database that is critical to your business. Let the experts at Progress step in to help. With health checks, upgrade and migration planning, monitoring and support, our managed services for OpenEdge help you get the most out of your investment while freeing your team up for other important work.

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Introduction to Managed Database
Administration (MDBA) Services

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Managed Database Administration (MDBA) Services

Customers of our Managed Database Administration (MDBA) Service rely on our experts like members of their own team. You can count on your consulting database administrator to treat your database as if it were their own. Our MDBA services include:

  • Documenting the environment
  • Providing stability and tuning recommendations
  • Performing mini database health checks
  • Setting customized threshold criteria for your business’s database management monitoring

If your database performance threatens to fall below the established criteria, we act 24/7 to identify and fix the problem. Progress MDBA is more than monitoring - it’s an added resource to your team.

Onboarding and initial system review  
24/7 monitoring, alerting and support with SLA​  
Most experienced DBA team  
Personal DBA  
Monthly reports and proactive recommendations​  
Web-based monitoring dashboard​  
Technical advice​  
Discounted consulting hours​  
Monthly block of highly reduced consulting hours   

Database Consulting Services

Database health checks are short-term engagements to assess the health of your OpenEdge database. Work with our professional service experts to discover ways to improve your processes and procedures for better overall performance.

Featured Service

Based on your current infrastructure, we analyze the performance of your OpenEdge deployment. The Professional Services team uses the results and their knowledge of best practices to recommend optimizations.

Database Health Check

Based on your current infrastructure, we analyze the performance of your OpenEdge deployment. The Professional Services team uses the results and their knowledge of best practices to recommend optimizations.

A Health Check Provides:

  • An evaluation of how your OpenEdge systems are running
  • A deep understanding of what may be impacting performance
  • A prioritized list of high-impact recommendations for performance tuning

Service includes:

  • A comprehensive OpenEdge environment report and a meeting to review
  • A summary of current system resources and performance tuning parameters
  • An assessment of the current Disaster Recovery plan and relevant recommendations for improvement
  • Fine-tuned performance monitoring scripts to gather metrics on OS, Disk, Database, AppServer, Progress Webspeed, and Apache Tomcat

Typical Engagement – 2 to 3 Days


OpenEdge Database Healthcheck

With a database healthcheck, you'll not only realize improved performance, but you’ll have clear insight into how your OpenEdge systems are running today and have the information needed to prevent problems tomorrow. Healthcheck is a 16 to 24 hour consulting engagement that provides suggestions for best practices regarding maintenance and offers recommendations for performance tuning.

Featured Service

Professional Service experts work with you to evaluate and document the current state of your OpenEdge application and implement any recommended improvements to minimize identified security vulnerabilities.

Security Health Check

Professional Service experts work with you to evaluate and document the current state of your OpenEdge application and implement any recommended improvements to minimize identified security vulnerabilities.

A Security Check Provides:

  • Recommendations and a plan for a more secure OpenEdge application
  • Preparation for future support, application extensibility, integration and modernizatio
  • Peace of mind around the stability of your business operations

Service includes:

  • An evaluation of the current security strategy within your OpenEdge application
  • A project plan and customized statement of work around QA rollout, UAT or go-live support
  • The implementation of security features such as user credential storage, third-party authentication and upgrade certifications

Typical Engagement – 3 Days


OpenEdge Security Health Check

The first step to enhancing the security of your OpenEdge application is recognizing the need to review and audit existing security procedures. Learn more about how OpenEdge Security Health Check can help you minimize security vulnerabilities that may be identified within your OpenEdge application.

Disaster Recovery Planning

Create a Disaster Recovery strategy for your OpenEdge database to ensure continuous service and availability with zero latency.

Service includes:

  • Installation of OpenEdge replication on source and target
  • Implementation of AI on the source and configuration of OpenEdge Replication
  • Migration of the database to target and configure the target machine
  • Migration of non-database data to the target machine and creation of a process to keep data synchronized
  • Documentation of the environment and performance of a failover test
  • Utilization of OpenEdge Replication and Replication Plus

Typical Engagement – 3 Days


Disaster Recovery Planning Service

Disaster recovery planning should not be taken lightly. In today’s 24x7, always-on business environment, it is imperative that your data is always protected and available. Having a well-designed and effectively maintained disaster recovery plan in place will substantially increase your ability to return to normal operations with high availability of your data and minimal business disruption.

Platform Migration Planning

Make sure the platform you migrate to is right-sized for your OpenEdge deployment. Our team has the expertise and experience to manage migrations on various environments and features. Let our experts help you plan your platform migration.

Service includes:

  • Collection of metrics on the current system, including disk speed, CPU and memory usage, and filesystem layout
  • Documentation of the current system
  • Documentation of what a replacement system should look like

Typical Engagement – 1 Day


Planning a Migration Strategy for Your OpenEdge Application When Support Is Ending

Anyone running OpenEdge applications on HP-UX should start planning a migration strategy for before Hewlett-Packard drops support for the operating system.

Platform Upgrade/Migration

Platform upgrades and migrations can take weeks to months, so it’s important to get the expert help you need for every step of the process. Our team is available to manage, plan and test your OpenEdge platform upgrades and migrations so you can seamlessly use your new system.

Service includes:

  • A comprehensive OpenEdge environment review to assess the current platform
  • Documentation of the platform upgrade or migration plan with a project timeline and estimated date of completion
  • Execution of the platform upgrade or migration
  • Implementation of a Disaster Recovery Plan for the upgraded platform
  • A post' go-live' Database Health Check to ensure applications are running at peak performance and using the most update-to-date features

Typical Engagement – Varies


The Progress OpenEdge Application Evolution Methodology

Companies must adapt their technology to improve collaboration and connectivity and boost user adoption and brand loyalty. Meeting these goals requires an agile approach to application modernization. For users of Progress OpenEdge, the transition to the latest version can be aided by the Professional Services team.

Dump & Loads

With Type II storage, you should plan to dump and load your database every 3-5 years to reduce performance degradation and free up disk space. Our diagnostic tools can help you determine if it is time to dump and load.

Service includes:

  • Minimization of downtime for this planned maintenance
  • Predictable downtimes for high availability environments regardless of database size
  • Reduction of the index scatter factor

Typical Engagement – Varies


Progress OpenEdge Database Dump & Load Service

As time goes on, your OpenEdge database could experience more and more fragmentation resulting in less than optimal performance. Dump and load maintenance is imperative to ensure the continued maximum performance of your OpenEdge database. Equally important is minimizing the amount of downtime for such a procedure. Avoid downtime and optimize your database with our dump and load service.

OpenEdge Pro2 Managed Service

Data replication should be low maintenance and scalable, so you don’t experience any lags in data you rely on to run your business. Our experts offer a Managed OpenEdge Pro2 Service that provides reliable database replication management 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for accurate and available data.

Service includes:

  • 24x7 OpenEdge Pro2 database and replication service monitoring
  • 24x7 critical alert notification with guaranteed response time
  • Trending reports with a dashboard to review historical database and replication statistics
  • Replication queue data retention for fast recovery from disasters
  • Insight into bottlenecks and fine-tuning adjustments needed on replication threads

Typical Engagement – Varies


OpenEdge Pro2 Managed Service

Never lose sight of critical business information with 24/7 monitoring and proactive management of your OpenEdge Pro2 data replication solution.

What Our Customers Are Saying

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We Can Help

The Progress Professional Services team is dedicated, knowledgeable and responsive. Let’s discuss how to increase your productivity and get the most out of your Progress products.