A big data toolkit to get you started!

October 13, 2014 Data Platform

Do you have more data than you know what to do with? What about the technology to make sense of it all? Big data tools and technologies have become one of the biggest disruptive trends in business today.  In fact, Business Insider recently stated that “Facebook ingests approximately 500 times more data each day than the New York Stock Exchange”; and analyst firm IDC forecasts a “44 fold increase in data volume between 2009 and 2020.

With data volumes this massive, we know you must be stressed! We want to help you hop on the trends and to-do’s of big data so you can stay ahead of the market and start making sense of all this information to drive business opportunities.

To help you, we've assembled a big data toolkit with resources to get you started learning the trends, tapping into the power of big data and de-risking your big data strategy:

To download the complete big data toolkit now, click here. To learn more about how Progress' data solutions can help you make sense of your big data, click here.

Christina Polaski