Cross-Platform App Development Best Practices: Leveraging Progress OpenEdge

May 10, 2024 Application Development

Reaching a multi-platform audience has become essential in the constantly changing world of mobile and web application development.

Cross-platform app development has emerged as a powerful solution, allowing developers to create applications that work seamlessly on multiple operating systems without rewriting the entire codebase for each platform. This blog will explore the best practices for cross-platform app development and how Progress OpenEdge fits into the process.

What Is Cross-Platform Development?

Cross-platform app development involves creating a single codebase that can run on multiple platforms, such as iOS, Android and web browsers. This approach offers several advantages:

  • Cost-Efficiency: Developing a single codebase can significantly reduce development and maintenance costs compared to building separate native apps for each platform.
  • Faster Time to Market: Cross-platform tools and frameworks enable quicker development cycles, allowing you to launch your app sooner.
  • Consistent User Experience: With a single codebase, you can ensure a consistent user experience across all platforms, which enhances brand identity and user satisfaction.

5 Best Practices for Cross-Platform App Development

To create successful cross-platform applications, developers should follow these best practices:

  1. Choose the Right Framework
  2. Selecting the appropriate development framework is crucial. Several popular cross-platform frameworks are available, including React Native, Flutter, Xamarin and Ionic. Each has strengths and weaknesses, so evaluate them based on your project's requirements.

  3. Maintain a Consistent UI/UX
  4. Consistency is vital in cross-platform development. Ensure your app's user interface and user experience are consistent across all platforms. This includes adhering to platform-specific design guidelines while using cross-platform components and layouts.

  5. Optimize for Performance
  6. Pay close attention to app performance. Cross-platform apps can sometimes suffer from performance issues. Optimize your code, use native modules when necessary and leverage performance profiling tools to identify and resolve bottlenecks.

  7. Test Extensively
  8. Testing is crucial in cross-platform development. Test your app on various devices, screen sizes and operating system versions to identify and address compatibility issues. Automated testing tools can streamline this process.

  9. Keep Up with Platform Updates
  10. Stay informed about updates and changes in the platforms you're targeting. Regularly update your app so it stays compatible with the latest operating system versions and continues to leverage new features and improvements.

Progress OpenEdge in Cross-Platform Development

Let's discuss how OpenEdge fits into the cross-platform app development landscape. Progress OpenEdge is primarily known as a robust application development platform for building business applications, particularly in database management and backend services. However, it can also play a significant role in cross-platform development.

Backend Integration

OpenEdge excels in managing data and server-side logic. When building cross-platform apps, having a reliable backend is crucial. OpenEdge can be the backend engine, providing more secure data storage, real-time connectivity and integration capabilities.


OpenEdge can more easily expose data through RESTful APIs, which your cross-platform app can consume. This allows you to centralize your business logic and data management, facilitating enhanced security and consistency across platforms.

Integration with Cross-Platform Frameworks

While OpenEdge isn't a cross-platform development framework, it can complement popular frameworks like React Native or Flutter. You can use OpenEdge as the backend while building the front end with your chosen cross-platform framework, creating a comprehensive solution for your app.

Considering Developing Cross-Platform Apps?

Cross-platform app development offers an efficient way to reach a broader audience with reduced development costs and faster time to market. You can create high-quality, cross-platform applications by following best practices such as choosing the proper framework, maintaining a consistent UI/UX, optimizing for performance and testing extensively.

OpenEdge, with its robust backend capabilities, data management and support for PWAs, can seamlessly integrate into your cross-platform development workflow. Leveraging OpenEdge as the backend engine can enhance your cross-platform app’s scalability, security and functionality—leading to a more prosperous and satisfying user experience.

Learn more about application development capabilities within the OpenEdge platform.

Jessica Malakian

Jessica Malakian is a product marketing specialist at Progress who focuses primarily on Progress OpenEdge. Jessica is a recent college graduate and is excited to begin her professional journey with Progress. Outside of work, Jessica loves reading and writing. 

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