How to add browse and edit functionality to custom controls and modules

September 29, 2011 Digital Experience

If you want to allow your editors to edit some already published content without having them go to Sitefinity backend and edit widget or content item you can use Sitefinity built in Browse and Edit functionality.


 Here I will describe how to implement it in your custom widgets or modules.

To use this functionality you need to implement IBrowseAndEditable interface.


1. In your widget code file or your module code file that manages the correct frontend view(MasterView or DetailsView) implement IBrowseAndEditable

public class ProductDetailsView : ViewBase, IBrowseAndEditable

Add the interace implementation

        //Adds browse and edit commands to be executed by the toolbar
        public void AddCommands(IList<BrowseAndEditCommand> commands)
        // Represents the browse and edit toolbar for the control
        public BrowseAndEditToolbar BrowseAndEditToolbar
                if (this.browseAndEditToolbar == null)
                    this.browseAndEditToolbar = this.Container.GetControl<BrowseAndEditToolbar>("browseAndEditToolbar", true);
                return this.browseAndEditToolbar;
        BrowseAndEditToolbar IBrowseAndEditable.BrowseAndEditToolbar
                return this.BrowseAndEditToolbar;
        //Gets the information needed to configure this instance.
        public BrowseAndEditableInfo BrowseAndEditableInfo
private BrowseAndEditToolbar browseAndEditToolbar;
private List<BrowseAndEditCommand> commands = new List<BrowseAndEditCommand>();

In InitializeControls method add

if (SystemManager.IsBrowseAndEditMode)
                    var bem = BrowseAndEditManager.GetCurrent(this.Page);
                    if (bem != null)

The last step is to add BrowseAndEdit toolbar control to your template

<%@ Register TagPrefix="sf" Namespace="Telerik.Sitefinity.Web.UI.PublicControls.BrowseAndEdit" Assembly="Telerik.Sitefinity" %>
<sf:BrowseAndEditToolbar ID="browseAndEditToolbar" runat="server" Mode="Edit"></sf:BrowseAndEditToolbar>

When you activate browse and edit functionality on the frontend of your site you will see the edit button where your widget is placed and editing it will take you to the widget designer or module item edit view.

The Progress Team