Optimizing Page/Widget edit time and page compile time for projects upgrading to Sitefinity 7.1

January 06, 2015 Digital Experience, Sitefinity

Prior to Sitefinity 7.1 one could experience an N+1 problem when opening a page for edit or when requesting it on the front-end for the first time. This was due to unnecessary database calls when Sitefinity is trying to construct the ASP controls on the requested page. As of 7.1 this issue has been resolved. Every user can now benefit from this optimization. The mechanism underneath consists of caching calculated metadata about hierarchical persistent objects(ChildProperties) in their parent (ControlProperty). Below are the scenarios when this metadata information is calculated:

  • Adding or updating a control through the page edit screen.
  • First time publishing a page / template after upgrading to 7.1

With this mechanism the system is slowly optimizing itself as editors make changes to the pages. However if you would like to manually optimize and force recalculation of all the metadata, you can launch a scheduled task to do this for you. This is convenient for large systems - an example scenario is when templates that are used by a large amount of pages are rarely changed and therefore the metadata is not calculated.

Following is a code that does does all the calculation:

var task = new FixControlPropertiesTask();
task.WorkMode = FixControlPropertiesTask.Mode.FlagsOnly;
task.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
var manager = SchedulingManager.GetManager();

You can add the task to your project's Global.asax by subscribing to the Initialized event of the Bootstrapper, in a similar fashion to the  sample from our Sitefinity Documentation.

Martin Gebov

A Software Architect on the Sitefinity team, Martin Gebov has been with Progress for 10 years. Over the last couple of them, his main focus has been delivering the .NET Core solution. Prior to that, Martin helped build the new UI, as well as worked on multi-lingual support, the compiler, and other key components of the platform.