Sitefinity Optimization Checklist

December 19, 2012 Digital Experience, Sitefinity

When optimizing your website’s traffic, there are many factors to consider. To help navigate it all, we’ve put together some helpful resources, including three videos from the Sitefinity Getting Started Guide.

Helpful Tools

Implementing the useful testing and optimization tips reviewed in this video will set your project on a sound course. From debugging to image optimizers and sprite generators, this video introduces an array of resources you can access to improve your site’s performance.

For more information and resources, see the companion getting started guide: Sitefinity Optimization: Helpful Tools.

Client-Side Optimization

This video will help you identify elements of your site that can be optimized, combined, and cached to minimize the impact of page requests and help accelerate load times. These techniques—including resource combining and minification —will help optimize the client-side performance of your site.

For more, see the following guide: Client-Side Optimization.

Server-Side Optimization

Many configuration settings affect the server-side performance of your site. This video reviews these, and describes best practices for ensuring optimal performance of your server-side code.

Companion Guide: Server-Side Optimization.

Optimization Checklist

To help put all these tips and insights into practice, use the simple companion checklist below which covers the highlights of each optimization video. Together, the videos and checklist serve as helpful guides through the optimization process.

Download: Sitefinity Optimization Checklist [PDF]

The Progress Team