Synergy between mobile and desktop app use can help employee performance

March 04, 2014 Mobility, Data & AI

The easier it is to add smartphone functionality to apps, the better they will work.

The easier it is to add smartphone functionality to apps, the better they will work.

What do your workers want from you when it comes to productivity tools? Chances are, they are looking for applications that will make their lives easier, not more complicated. It may prove hard to sell employees on any technology that requires numerous extra steps, no matter the depth of features it theoretically offers. This is why, when it's time to create mobile applications and tools that can be taken on the road, it could be a great policy to expand existing software rather than starting fresh.

The value of a simple experience

The need to make work easier is one of the primary motives in offices, and this appears to be the permanent state of affairs. This is the impulse that sometimes leads to rogue or unapproved IT: If the apps selected by leaders demand inconvenient steps, users may just ignore them. Savvy developers therefore aim their software creation programs at working with and expanding the features that employees already use and enjoy.

When Web application development teams create a resonant or powerful piece of software for PCs, they can extend that experience into the mobile realm if they are working with the right platform. This seemingly simple decision could set the tone for communication and interaction among workers within the firm as a whole. After all, being able to access that one highly functional app from anywhere, on either an Android or iOS device, gives employees many more chances to engage with the system.

Rather than wasting developers' time by demanding they work with entirely new software for the mobile space and discouraging the end-users by pelting them with new interfaces they must learn, simply expanding the app experience to a new space is a promising option. Some application development platforms are built to be compatible with mobile devices, with their interfaces automatically helping workers access content optimized for mobile devices. The creation of these features can be far from the involved process that would be demanded if the software team had to create a whole new group of apps.

Pick the right platform

Giving workers the mobile capability they need starts with the developers. If they have tools such as Progress® Rollbase®, creators of applications can quickly enable this functionality. Instead of custom coding a new tool for smartphones, or doing any coding at all, these professionals simply change a few settings. This smooth process can give developers more time to create and perfect other solutions instead of sending them back to the drawing board and enable the end-users to work with the apps on the go through their preferred devices.

Michelle Tackabery

An experienced content and social media marketing professional, Michelle writes frequently about the practical applications of information technology.

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