3 Ways a PaaS Relieves Development Department Pressure

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by Michelle Tackabery Posted on May 20, 2014

App developers are in demand today - which means they're on the clock.

App developers are in demand today - which means they're on the clock.

In business, offering an in-demand service is a great feeling, right up until the pressure becomes too much, straining the product's quality or workers' ability to meet deadlines. This may be how app developers today feel, facing demand for not only more software but quick turnaround times and highly developed interfaces. It's good to be the center of attention, but methods must evolve, or else the whole system will fall into chaos.

Always on call

Having a strong internal development process based around Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) can help departments stay ahead of their development demands through the rapid deployment of Web applications. These software tools can replace a web of inefficient legacy technology and, when deployed through the cloud, reach employees wherever they may be. Mobile functionality is an additional enticement, and with this feature growing in popularity, it's no wonder there is such a call to develop more applications.

Personnel can't afford to wait, however. If an application is going to really help them, it must be available while the situation it affects is still relevant and ongoing. Firms can only gain agility advantages over their rivals if they are ready to deal with current market conditions. This puts an immense amount of pressure on the development team to come up with concepts and rush them through all the stages of development, from initial prototyping to coding, testing to security approval. PaaS use can help them respond in three ways:

1. The right set of tools Businesses that leave their app developers unprepared for the challenges of brief schedules and quick turnaround times shouldn't be surprised when the work coming back is shoddy. These organizations should instead look to the next generation of PaaS offerings, which contain several features that improve overall ability to get a new SaaS-based product up and running and out to the workforce in a hurry, while not compromising on quality. These architectures' advantages are many and varied, but two stand out.

2. Spreading the development responsibility: If end-users can understand the PaaS interface, they may prove able to create or update their own simple apps, dragging and dropping options and making do with minimal IT input, leaving those professionals free to conduct their own operations and get back to work on the next generation of advanced business solutions.

3. Smoothing the process: The IT department can also see the benefits of simple and powerful PaaS products. If they can prototype their apps quickly and pass them between development, testing and security functions seamlessly, they will find that projects are much simpler to keep on schedule, lessening the pressure.

Michelle Tackabery
An experienced content and social media marketing professional, Michelle writes frequently about the practical applications of information technology.
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