Announcing the MOVEit Service Pack Program

by Lilia Messechkova Posted on July 05, 2023

In response to customer feedback, we are pleased to announce the availability of our newly formalized Service Pack program for MOVEit products. The Service Pack program will enable more frequent updates through a predictable, simple and transparent process. With a more regular cadence and predictable timeline, our hope is that customers will be able to adopt new product updates and fixes more easily.

The first Service Pack is now available for MOVEit Transfer customers through the MOVEit Product Hub. It includes product and security updates for supported versions of MOVEit Transfer. The Service Pack has also been applied to MOVEit Cloud. MOVEit Automation may be included in future service pack releases.

We encourage customers to use the most current versions of our products to help drive greater security, reliability and performance in their MOVEit environment. We expect to release a new Service Pack approximately every two months going forward. In addition to the Service Packs, we will continue to publish hot fixes for issues, as needed. Please visit the MOVEit Product Hub for the latest information and updates.

Lilia Messechkova
Lilia Messechkova

Lilia Messechkova has 15+ years of experience in the tech industry in creating digital business solutions, leading global teams, and achieving strong business results. As Vice President of Enterprise Products at Progress, she leads a team of 120+ people and is responsible for the overall vision and strategy of four products, including Progress Sitefinity and Progress MOVEit.

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