Those familiar with my personality (the real-life, much more interesting one) know that I am given to spontaneous speechifying on frequent, mostly inappropriate occasions. As a result, they rarely encourage me to share one of my not-so-humble opinions or to grace them with my pithy, Gibran-esque observations on the nature of the human condition, et al. (For those of you who deign to counter this self-assessment of my wisdom, consider the date of this posting before commenting... ^_^)
Every so often, however, I manage to fool someone into thinking that my pedagogical pontifications are worth listening to and I am thus granted a podium on which to speak and share my wisdom (such as it is). Such an occasion is nigh and I encourage you to come out and support my heretofore unfulfilled dream of having a full room with a rapt audience spellbound by my oratory.
Event: The 2008 MySQL Conference & Expo
Location: Santa Clara, CA
Time: 11:55am through 12:40pm on Tuesday, April 15th
Title (sure to whet any appetite): Increase the Flexibility of MySQL-based SOA Frameworks with a Data Access Layer
The Goods: While many organizations implementing Service Oriented Architectures (SOAs) are adopting a standards-based approach for development of new application services, few are applying the same methodology to their MySQL database access logic. A tightly coupled, MySQL-specific approach to application service design eliminates the benefits of an SOA strategy and results in an infrastructure that slows application deployment and reduces business logic reuse and flexibility.
In this presentation, Mike Frost, product manager for DataDirect Technologies, will introduce a strategy for separating application logic from MySQL database access logic. The presentation will describe the benefits of a loosely coupled approach for all application and data access logic such as reduced development time, simplified deployment, and increased overall flexibility all within an SOA framework. Frost will introduce and describe the concept of a data access layer based on the emerging Service Data Objects (SDO) specification and Data Access Service (DAS) standard and describe what the future of data access logic will look like for MySQL users within an SOA framework.
Additional Details: See
If you come, you should know that I accept heckling so long as it is followed with an offer of a craft beer not sold within the state of North Carolina - barleywines are my favorite though anything strong that I can fit into my suitcase for the flight back will be graciously accepted. Oh, and don't forget to leave me your business card so that I know who to credit for the soothing of my bruised ego.
craft+beer barleywine MySQL DAS Data+Access shameless+plug Data+Access+Layer SDO SOA speaking+opportunity
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