I know I’ve mentioned this in prior blog posts, but the summertime is the best time to learn about OpenEdge. The team has some great sessions coming up to help you learn how to better manage and protect your data. We in marketing always have something fun up our sleeves, and we hope you like the theme of these sessions that we are calling The Successful Six.
The Successful Six highlights Progress OpenEdge RDBMS Advanced Enterprise Edition (AEE) that combines six great products. By using all six (or even some of them) you’ll get a scalable, multi-processing environment that supports thousands of concurrent users and terabytes of data, with increased efficiency and high availability. The combination of power, flexibility and ease of operation makes the AEE an ideal engine for mission-critical business applications.
To help our customers and partners learn more about The Successful Six we have three sessions coming up—it will be an open discussion and short presentation on what each component of AEE is. You’ll leave the sessions armed with information on how you can use AEE to be more successful. Additional information and links for registration are below:
July 29 @ 11 a.m. ET—The Successful Six: Securing Your Data with Transparent Data Encryption and OpenEdge Replication
The first two of the successful six are OpenEdge Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) and OpenEdge Replication—two solutions that help secure your data without negatively impacting performance. See how TDE and Replication can help avoid unplanned downtime and balance security with performance.
Aug. 5 @ 11 a.m. ET—The Successful Six: Multi-tenancy and Change Data Capture
Next in line for our successful six series are Change Data Capture (CDC) and Multi-tenancy. With CDC, you can improve data management processes and provide accurate data to quickly identify, track and save all changes. Meanwhile, a multi-tenant database provides database support to separate and distinct groups of users—helpful when deploying SaaS applications in the cloud.
August 12 @ 11 a.m. ET—The Successful Six: Table Partitioning and OpenEdge Management
We finish up our last session of the successful six series looking at OpenEdge Management and Table Partitioning. These are both important tools in your AEE toolkit, fundamental to a continuous availability strategy and proactive database monitoring.
We hope to see you at one or all of these sessions where you can learn about some of the benefits of using AEE including: total compatibility, managing compliance requirements, high availability, near real-time data accuracy, lower total cost of ownership and so much more.
See you on a session.
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