Adam Bertram

Adam Bertram is a 25+ year IT veteran and an experienced online business professional. He’s a successful blogger, consultant, 6x Microsoft MVP, trainer, published author and freelance writer for dozens of publications. For how-to tech tutorials, catch up with Adam at, connect on LinkedIn or follow him on X at @adbertram.

Articles by the Author

How to Cleanup Proprietary PowerShell Scripts to Share with the Community
Before sharing code with the external world, there are a few essential questions to consider.
How to Copy Files From an Azure App Service with PowerShell
Creating your own tools through PowerShell makes transferring content locally exponentially simpler. Here's how to do it yourself. 
What is Kubernetes and the Hype All About?
Containers are all the rage these days ever since Docker came on the scene and made containers available to us mere mortals. But how do you deploy, manage, and monitor all these containers? Meet Kubernetes, an open-source, container management service!
Creating A Timeout Feature In Your PowerShell Scripts
Don't let your entire workflow be hung up because one of the scripts is stuck on some task. There's a way around that!
Date Formatting using Python Datetime and Strptime
There are many different types of objects that we can work with in Python. Dates are one of those objects that are infamous in nearly every language. Date types are notoriously hard to wrangle but Python has quite a few ways to manipulate dates and time.
Use PowerShell Copy-Item to File Transfer Over WinRM
It's easy to copy files with PowerShell Copy-Item via the command line. Once you specify the source and destination location, it just happens. Unfortunately, many administrators don't think about how this process occurs until it doesn't work. 
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