Colleen Smith is Vice President, Customer Advocacy at Progress. In this role, she is responsible for ensuring customer focus and accountability for improving the company’s relationship with its customers and partners, as it relates to the use of Progress core products. Smith joined the company in 2005 with 20 years of enterprise software marketing, sales and product strategy experience, and has helped transform software companies into industry leaders, built strategic partnerships, designed acquisition strategies and moved companies through aggressive growth stages.
Wow, another great day at the Progress Exchange Online 2010 Conference. A few technical glitches, but I guess that is to be expected when you are delivering all the content...
Wow, what a great opening day of the Progress Exchange Online 2010 Conference – and a great turn out too! Today we welcomed over 2,000 attendees from 66 countries around the world. We even...
One of the questions that I get asked a lot is “What are the mistakes that others have made when moving to Software as a Service (SaaS)?” I think that software vendors are always looking to learn from others mistakes...
The SaaS approach to deploying software solutions is emerging and evolving. As customers continue to expand their acceptance of SaaS, as existing software vendors seek to take advantage of this model and as more new SaaS vendors emerge, it...
Most of the time, when we think of Software as a Service (SaaS), we focus on the first “S”, or the one that addresses the Software side of things. But I think that the second “S” or the one that is about Service is the one that needs to be thought of a little more, as I believe it...
I recently read Daryl Plummer’s (Gartner Group) blog and I have to agree, but also disagree with what he said. I agree that it is not an easy thing to transition from being a...
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