dan foody

View all posts from dan foody on the Progress blog. Connect with us about all things application development and deployment, data integration and digital business.

Articles by the Author

Exploring the Impact of the SOA Lifecycle

In my last post, I introduced the concept of pre-consumption as a new and unique phase of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) - one that only occurs when you have a SOA...

dan foody December 07, 2007
What is the SOA Lifecycle?

Recently, I've been thinking about the SOA lifecycle.  What's interesting about it is that while most people acknowledge that SOA changes the traditional Software development Lifecycle (SDLC), we still have no clear definition of what the change actually is.

The most common attempt I see...

dan foody November 21, 2007
A SOA Blessing in Disguise

I guess I'm full of BS commentary on this SOA as a Corporate Responsibility topic!  One of the comments on my original post stated:

"And the sad thing is, that...

dan foody November 16, 2007
Even More on SOA as a Corporate Responsibility

I took some well deserved flak on my original post about SOA as a Corporate Responsibility.  Based on the responses, my message clearly didn't get through. For example,...

dan foody November 16, 2007
More on SOA as a Corporate Responsibility

In Dave Linthicum's recent update on SOA as a corporate responsibility, he called my response to his original posting "grumpy".  Now that I've taken my happy pill, let me provide...

dan foody November 13, 2007
SOA as a Corporate Responsibility

David Linthicum of ZapThink wrote a short article recently on SOA as a Corporate Responsibility.  While I enjoy reading David's writings, there were a few things in this article that made the hair on the back...

dan foody November 09, 2007
Prefooter Dots
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