Greg Mooney

Greg is a technologist and data geek with over 10 years in tech. He has worked in a variety of industries as an IT manager and software tester. Greg is an avid writer on everything IT related, from cyber security to troubleshooting.

Articles by the Author

Deep Web Monitoring and the Future of Data Breach Detection
If you're like me and have a knack for cyber security trends, you will find yourself having many sleepless nights. Our lives and data is are the internet for the taking and the weakest link in finding compromised data is knowing it's been compromised in the first place.
Fixing Blown Capacitors for Hero Status
A lot of people throw away a lot of otherwise fully operational electronics due to blown capacitors (caps). I've worked in IT for quite a few years and that doesn't even include my 5 years of time in the audio consumer electronics space. To put is simply, a capacitor is...
Secure FTP Helps Financial Giant Adhere to SOX
For IT managers in regulated industries, audits are a way of life. Proactive record keeping will be critical for when those pesky auditors walk through the front door. This is where a secure FTP (sFTP) tool can play a big role. In a post-Enron world, transparency is key...
Top 5 Life Hacks for IT Pros
Life hacks have been an online sensation for years. From separating a yolk from egg whites with a plastic bottle to creating a simple iPhone speaker with just some tacks and an empty toilet paper roll, life hacks have become a way of life for many of us. It seems that...
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