Greg Mooney

Greg is a technologist and data geek with over 10 years in tech. He has worked in a variety of industries as an IT manager and software tester. Greg is an avid writer on everything IT related, from cyber security to troubleshooting.

Articles by the Author

Podcast: New MOVEit Integration Available on MuleSoft AnyPoint Exchange
I got a chance to sit down with Kevin Conklin, the VP of Marketing at Ipswitch to talk more about the new MOVEit 2019 release and how the new MOVEit is now integrated with Mulesoft’s Anypoint Exchange.
Podcast: Artificial Intelligence Vs. Automation for SecOps Teams
Automation is not always AI, but AI is an automated system. It’s easy to get the two terms confused because they both run off the same thing—data. However, the differences are far-reaching, and it’s important to know the differences between AI and Automation.
Podcast: API Security in the Cloud
Too many IT professionals believe that companies that provide cloud platforms and services, such as AWS or Google Cloud, handle all the cloud-related security. Considering how much business transpires in the cloud, this is a dangerous assumption to make.
File Transfer Tools Can Lead to GDPR Non-Compliance
It’s the proverbial 1,000-pound gorilla—a compliance violation. Perhaps you haven’t seen one yet, but you know it’s out there lurking, and it just might come banging on your door any day now. 
Podcast: Shadow IT Problems & Solutions
Shadow IT is a real problem in the modern workplace. In this episode of Defrag This, we explore the reasons users turn to the dark side, the risks of unsanctioned IT stacks, and some of the solutions IT teams can use to curb Shadow IT. 
Podcast: How to Prepare for a HIPAA Audit
Nobody likes to be audited. It’s invasive and unpleasant, but being prepared for it can make the process much easier.
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