Jessica Kent of Progress

Jessica Kent

Jessica Kent was a content specialist at Progress.

Articles by the Author

Meet Matt Lyman, Director of Demand Generation at Progress
We’d like to introduce you to some of the people from around the world who make us who we are at Progress. In this post, meet Matt Lyman, Director of Demand Generation at Progress.
Showing Gratitude: C-Staff Members Share Why They’re Thankful for Progress
In honor of Thanksgiving, members of the C-Staff reflect on why they’re grateful for Progress and for their fellow Progressers.
Meet Brent Adonis, Senior Software Engineer at Progress
From fax machines to Blackberries, from South Africa to the U.K., to being named Software Engineer of the Year, Brent Adonis has enjoyed his time at Progress.
Progress Employees Celebrate Diwali with Lights, Food and Family
Progress employees recently came together for an outdoor celebration of Diwali, featuring traditional Indian food, Bollywood music and of course, lights.
Meet Nassim Fotouhi, Principal Software Engineer at Progress
As part of a yearlong celebration of our 40th anniversary, Progress would like to introduce you to some of our fantastic longtime employees who have made us who we are today. In this post, meet Nassim Fotouhi, principal software engineer at Progress.
Celebrating Ada Lovelace with Our Women in STEM Scholarship Winners
In honor of Ada Lovelace Day and International Day of the Girl, we invited our two Women in STEM Scholarship winners to discuss their goals and experiences.
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