Lubos Lunter

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Articles by the Author

External Storage Backup & Restore of Flowmon Profiles
A profile in context of Flowmon is a specific view on flow data stored in Flowmon Collector. It is defined by name, type, combination of profile filters and for a continuous type of the profile also size of allocated quota. Exceeding the quota causes an expiration of the oldest data, which is overwritten. A new feature allows to backup the profiles to defined external storage and restore them vice-versa whenever needed.
Dynamic Baselining and Adaptive Threshold in DDoS Defender
Dynamic baselining allows to respond to increasing volumes of traffic based on adaptive thresholds and defined rules. Flowmon Networks has introduced DDoS Defender for DoS/DDoS detection and subsequent mitigation in May 2015. Since version 2.0 released on October 2015, Flowmon DDoS Defender monitors traffic volume characteristics based on adaptive thresholds.
Internet Service Providers to Deliver Security as a Service with Flowmon
Some of significant present cyber threats are the attacks targeting government or finance institutions to cut them off the Internet, penetrations into protected systems or malware earning money for its creators. Most of these attacks come from computers of unsuspecting users that are under control of attackers and are part of botnet. What if an ISP protects end customers and connectivity provider protects ISP against cyber threats including DoS/DDoS?
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