Peter Filipov

Peter Filipov

Peter Filipov (Pepi) is a Product Builder focused on building the future of Sitefinity, relying on the newest technologies such as .NET 6 (and up), React and Angular. His previous experience as a Developer Advocate and Manager of Engineering helps him to understand the customers’ and market needs of Sitefinity. He also is passionate about being active and healthy.

Articles by the Author

Personalize Content with Sitefinity
Serving content to your audience is hard when you have different groups of people to target. For those cases generic content or long articles targeting everyone are not a good option. The simplest solution is to use personalized articles and pages. In the context of Sitefinity, this is an easy job.
Ask Question or give Feedback to Sitefinity with Hashtags
To provide feedback after you test some features from a beta or official release, or if you want to share your experience use #TellProgress. When you want to know more about a new feature or ask questions during Sitefinity webinar ask your questions publicly with #AskProgress.
Sitefinity Connector for Telerik Backend Services is discontinued.
We decided that it is best for our customers that we discontinue the Sitefinity Connector for Telerik Backend Services with the upcoming Sitefinity 10 release next month, and focus those resources on improving the product in other areas. Support for existing users of the connector on prior CMS versions will be provided until Dec 1, 2017.
All Sitefinity Features Revealed in a Site and a Mobile App
Two years ago, the Sitefinity team released a sample application showcasing the major features of the CMS and how to use them. As time passed and technologies and methodologies changes, our application fell behind.   The truth is that we need to cover the entire experience starting from a modern ...
Let Sitefinity Implement Web Services for You
With Progress Sitefinity, you can create dynamic content types without any overhead. Editing content items is also really easy. But while all of this sounds great on paper, developers ultimately need to have more control via an API.​
Working with Sitefinity MVC (Feather) Source Code
All of Sitefinity’s MVC widgets, packages and functionality are open source and can be found under the codename “Project Feather” or “Feather” framework.
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