Tim Warner

Tim Warner is a Microsoft MVP, Microsoft Press/Wiley author, and Azure solution architect based in Nashville, TN. Contact Tim at Twitter (@TechTrainerTim) or his website, techtrainertim.com.

Articles by the Author

Getting Started with Azure Bastion
Azure Bastion can best be described as a managed jump host. A jump host, also called a jump box, is a virtual machine that's placed on a virtual network. This article describes how to get started with Azure Bastion.
Configure 'Break Glass' Emergency Access for Azure Active Directory
In cloud computing generally and in Microsoft Azure specifically, the shared responsibility model means that both Microsoft and you (the customer) have a role to play in ensuring service high availability.
Getting Started with Azure Firewall
In today's tutorial, I'll teach you how to get started with Azure Firewall, Microsoft's cloud-native managed firewall appliance. Call it firewall-as-a-service if you'd like. Let's begin!
How To Define a Custom Azure Resource Role with PowerShell
In this post, PowerShell expert Tim Warner shows you how you can create a custom Azure Resource Role with PowerShell.
How to Define a Custom Azure AD Role in the Azure Portal
We've been able to define custom Azure resource roles for awhile now. Today I'll teach you how to create a custom Azure AD role.
Managing Azure Blueprints with PowerShell
Azure Blueprints provide a "one-stop shop" for Azure governance. By implementing JSON templates and a controlled, unified workflow, Azure administrators can define, deploy, enforce, and maintain standardized Azure environments.
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