October was an eventful month for the Sitefinity team. We were busy with preparations around the upcoming Sitefinity summits in Indianapolis and Dallas, and full of excitement and enthusiasm.
I was fortunate enough to attend both of the summits, hearing from Sitefinity experts, customers, and partners, and I’m happy to share the takeaways.
Sitefinity Fans Valued Every Opportunity for a Live Interaction
With both October summits being inaugural for their respective regions, we were excited to see packed halls and lots of interaction. Attendees were using every possible opportunity to compare notes on the product and discuss what was working with their clients, what wasn’t, and what stories were resonating in the marketplace. People at the event were also seizing every opportunity to engage in a dialogue with the Sitefinity representatives to give firsthand accounts on their best practices in Sitefinity, and to give feedback to Sitefinity on what features needed to go into future versions of the product.
Sitefinity Insight Perceived as a Game Changer
As part of the business track, we demonstrated Sitefinity Insight, which generated quite a lot of excitement. The ability to track, analyze and steer every step of the customer journey was not only perceived as a powerful selling point, but would also allow agencies working with Sitefinity to offer innovative business strategies to their end-clients.
Attendees Excited to Learn What the Progress Merger Will Bring to the Sitefinity Solution
Given ample opportunity to engage in formal and informal conversations with the audience, I realized everyone was curious to find out how the merger with an industry leader like Progress would affect the future of the Sitefinity platform. Attendees were pleased to hear Progress had planned more investment, opportunity, and innovation to the Sitefinity platform and its partner program. The Sitefinity offering will be a central piece of the Progress Software portfolio and everyone is set to reap the benefits of this in 2016 and beyond.
With so many great networking and learning opportunities, the Indianapolis and Dallas Sitefinity summits were a blazing success.
As far as format, both events followed a similar agenda, featuring a business track in the morning and a technical one in the afternoon. We have recordings from the Indianapolis sessions and you are welcome to view the videos and slides.
Interested in a Sitefinity summit in your hometown? Have feedback on what we should talk about at the summits? Fill out our survey! We do these for you!
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