Configure Connect for JDBC MongoDB driver with JBoss EAP 6.4

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by Jan Krishnamurthy Posted on June 30, 2016

Step-by-step instructions on how to easily integrate and configure Connect for JDBC MongoDB driver 6.0 with JBoss EAP 6.4.0.

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The set up steps detailed and demonstrated below are for a Windows machine. The 4 main steps include:

  1. Download and Install Mongo JDBC 6.0 driver
  2. Download and Install JBoss EAP 6.4.0
  3. Register the MongoDB driver jar with JBoss EAP 6.4 and Install JDBC Driver as a Core Module
  4. Add, register, configure, enable and test connect the data source in the JBoss Administration Console

Lets Get Started

While the focus is on MongoDB here, the same steps apply to any of the data sources that Connect for JDBC supports.

JBoss EAP 6.4.0 is the Enterprise version of JBoss AS Wildfly 7.5.0 (so internally most of its components are the same as JBoss AS 7.5.0 ). The configuration steps will also apply to JBoss AS Wildfly 7.5.0.

  1. Download and Install Mongo JDBC 6.0 driver from
    1. Run PROGRESS_DATADIRECT_JDBC_INSTALL.exe as Administrator


      Install Mongo JDBC 6.0 Install Mongo JDBC 6.0

    2. Install the driver either as EVAL or licensed installation into C:\Program Files\Progress\DataDirect\JDBC_60
  2. Download and Install JBoss EAP 6.4 in location C:\jboss\EAP-6.4.0
    1. To start JBoss Server run standalone.bat in the location C:\jboss\EAP-6.4.0\bin
    2. To access the JBoss Administration Console, open a browser and use this link: http://localhost:9990/console/App.html
    3. Login with Username and Password (In my case it was set to UID = admin, PWD = passw0rd! )
    4. You should see a screen as below:

      Install JBoss EAP 6.4

    5. Now stop the server by running Management CLI jboss-cli.bat located in C:\jboss\EAP-6.4.0\bin
      1. Type connect
      2. Type shutdown
      3. This command will shutdown the server

        This command will shutdown the server

  3. Register the MongoDB driver jar with JBoss EAP 6.4 and Install JDBC Driver as a Core Module
    1. Navigate to location C:\jboss\EAP-6.4.0\modules. Create a folder com. Within it create a folder mongodb. Within this create a folder main.
    2. Copy the mongodb.jar from C:\Program Files\Progress\DataDirect\JDBC_60\lib into C:\jboss\EAP-6.4.0\modules\com\mongodb\main
    3. Create a file module.xml with the following contents in C:\jboss\EAP-6.4.0\modules\com\mongodb\main
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.0" name="com.mongodb">
          <resource-root path="mongodb.jar"/>
          <module name="javax.api"/>
          <module name="javax.transaction.api"/>
    4. Location C:\jboss\EAP-6.4.0\modules\com\mongodb\main should look like the screenshot below:


    5. Start the Server [standalone.bat]
    6. Start the Management CLI [ jboss-cli.bat]. Type connect.
    7. Run the following CLI command to add the JDBC driver module as a driver:


      GENERAL SYNTAX/ FORMAT of the CLI command is as indicated below:                                                                                  /subsystem=datasources/jdbc-driver=DRIVER_NAME:add(driver-name=DRIVER_NAME,driver-module-name=MODULE_NAME,driver-xa-datasource-class-name=XA_DATASOURCE_CLASS_NAME)

  4. Add, register, configure, enable and test connect the data source in the JBoss Administration Console
    1. On a browser go to http://localhost:9990/console/App.html, login using username and password and click on Datasources link


    2. Click on Add button

      Click on Add button

    3. Give the Datasource a name and JNDI Name:



      JNDI Name—java:jboss/datasources/MyMongoJDBCDS

      Give the Datasource a name and JNDI Name

    4. Select mongodb driver that is detected [This is the driver we registered in Step 3]

      Select  mongodb driver that is detected

    5. Provide the Connection URL and Username and Password

      Example: Connection URL: jdbc:datadirect:mongodb://<Machinename>:<port>;schemaDefinition=<User_Specified location>

      Username and Password required to connect to the MongoDB database

      Provide the Connection URL and Username and Password

      The screenshot here shows that the schemaDefinition location is specified as C:\MongoJdbcSchema.


      This will create the .map, .properties, .script, .config and .native files in location C:/  as shown in screenshot below with the suffix MongoJdbcSchema

    6. Click on the Test Connection button. This should show successful. Click OK.Click on the Test Connection button
    7. Enable the datasource

      Enable the datasourceEnable the datasourceEnable the datasource

    8. You can edit the datasource by choosing edit link. Make the configuration changes and hit save

      Make the configuration changes and hit saveMake the configuration changes and hit save

    9. These configuration values specified in the Admin Console for JBoss are stored in the standalone.xml located in C:\jboss\EAP-6.4.0\standalone\configuration

      You may choose to directly edit the standalone.xml directly to make changes to the datasource instead of using the Admin Console GUI

      Screenshot of the standalone.xml below:

      Screenshot of the standalone.xml

    10. The next time you start the server you should see this in the command window:
    11. Command window

All Finished

MongoDB connectivity via JDBC or ODBC is easier than ever with DataDirect JDBC and ODBC connectors for MongoDB. They provide fast SQL access to business critical data while also enabling you to access NoSQL data without additional server installations. Integrate your MongoDB data without having to duplicate data or flatten complex documents. Visit our information page to learn more or try it free for 15 days.

Try Now—JDBC

Try Now—ODBC

Jan Krishnamurthy

Jan is a Sr. Support Engineer at Progress. She is responsible for assisting Progress customers and application partners solve technical issues by providing efficient and effective technical support. She has background in the areas of Business Rules, Database Drivers, Business Process Management, Complex Event Processing.

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