Looking for a quick and easy way to get acquainted with the Data Integration Suite? If so, this Summer School program is what you are looking for!
The Data Integration Suite Summer School program is a free, self-paced, online classroom experience. It has been designed to show you how the Data integration Suite has matured into a comprehensive integration software suite that is grounded in qualitative and quantifiable customer success. Summer School provides resources to help architects design strategic and tactical integration schemas, and additionally aids developers as they begin employing the Data Integration Suite within the enterprise.
Here's how Summer School works:
STEP ONE: Register for Summer School by clicking the Register Now button and then by completing the form. You will receive a confirmation email with the website address for your Summer School Curriculum.
STEP TWO: Work your way through the Summer School Curriculum. The Summer School Curriculum is self-paced and offers numerous classes for you to choose from. You can complete every class on the curriculum, or just a few to get you started with the Data Integration Suite.
STEP THREE: Sit back and relax. You will not be graded on your Summer School activities – You get an automatic A just for registering! Plus, Every Summer School registrant will be entered to win 1 of 25 Data Integration Suite Lunch Bags! It is that easy! So jump to the head of the class and Register for the Data Integration Suite Summer School Program today!
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