The DataDirect team broke out our passports last week and headed overseas to Antwerp, Belgium for the annual Devoxx conference, held November 12-16. Cloud data and big data were overarching themes throughout the show, which saw an amazing turnout – 3400 attendees representing 40 different countries! It was a great chance to mingle with industry gurus from around the world, as well as share thoughts on the latest and greatest in the tech space.
At the DataDirect booth we showed product demos and had lots of conversations about where drivers are heading in 2013. We also led a session around DataDirect’s connectivity technology during which several audience members voiced concerns around their reporting needs with Salesforce – it was interesting to speak to them about their pain points and offer potential resolutions. We also enjoyed discussing JDBC connectivity, current issues with JDBC solutions and our upcoming DataDirect Cloud offering.
Overall, we had a busy but enjoyable week in Belgium, and we even managed to squeeze in a waffle or two during our stay! We look forward to next year’s show as well as all the JDBC and cloud developments that we expect to see between now and then.
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