Digital Acceleration Series: Get More Value From Your Content

by James Kenwood Posted on April 28, 2021

It’s been just over a year since our first Publishing Event, which we actually held face to face! Remember that? Just before the lockdowns hit globally we bought together many of our publishing customers to offices in London, New York, and Washington and connected them via video conferencing. That seemed a bit novel at the time!

PubDay pics

Well after such an eventful year we thought it was time to run another event — this time focused on some common requests we are hearing from our customers.

We know so many organisations who create content have used the power of MarkLogic to build their content management systems, repositories, and search platforms — and so many of you are now considering:

  • how to drive more revenue from that content
  • how to make the content more flexible to allow you to meet new demands from your audiences
  • basically, how to make your content smarter

Our upcoming Digital Acceleration series is focused on helping companies release more potential from their content. Learn the benefits of using ontologies and taxonomies, entity extraction, and semantics to build powerful, flexible knowledge graphs to drive the next generation of content monetisation.

These will run over three weeks, with guest speakers and demos covering a variety of topics. You can sign up for these events by clicking on the title links below:

6th May at 2 pm GMT — Smarter Content & Ontologies

Hear about the power of creating smarter content through the use of ontologies and knowledge graphs. This first session focuses on the value of ontologies, the value they bring, and the tools to create and manage them. Hear from Graphifi about their new ontology management tool and hear from OECD about their platform built on MarkLogic and the value it brings.

13th May at 2 pm GMT — Entity Extraction & Semantics

Our second Digital Acceleration event focuses on ways to automate the enrichment of your content stores. See the power of entity extraction and semantics to create powerful knowledge graphs of your content! We will have a live demo from Datavid who have a platform built on MarkLogic which automates entity extraction through linked ontologies and provides enhanced semantic search.

20th May at 2 pm GMT — Next-generation Applications

Our final event in our Digital Acceleration series considers the next-generation applications you can create when your content has been enriched with a knowledge graph. Hear about visualising entities, customer personalisation, customer targeting, content alignment, and much much more.

If you have any questions, would like to present on one of the topics or would like us to discuss something in particular during these events, please email us at

James Kenwood

James Kenwood is our EMEA Customer Success Manager. He is responsible for ensuring the continued success of many of our existing customers across Europe and beyond. He joined MarkLogic in 2019 from Pearson where he was Engineering Director and a MarkLogic customer! As such he brings a unique view of being a customer and an understanding of what our customers need from their vendor to help them deliver.

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