Don't just move your application environment to the cloud - improve it

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by Michelle Tackabery Posted on March 12, 2014

PaaS solutions can give app developers the power they need.

PaaS solutions can give app developers the power they need.

Developing vital business applications is a major part of enterprise operations today. These pieces of software can be deployed internally to help employees communicate and work together or released to clients to form a transactional framework. Moving the platform that supports these applications into the cloud is a big decision, one that many business leaders are making in their search for improved running conditions. This big move represents a great chance to add specific features, rather than just creating a 1:1 replica of the existing platform.

Finding the power of PaaS ?Today's Platform-as-a-Service tools are designed with application development needs in mind. Selecting the right option can help firms address some of their longtime challenges while improving their budgetary situation. This may mean shopping around; options that seem nearly identical to the way things are done now may not be the best bet for ambitious companies. They can instead select platforms that complement and improve their operational capabilities.

The cloud is flexible, and programs deployed within this hosted environment are not as static as those that use typical architecture. Leading PaaS offerings therefore have the ability to scale up or down, with the available amount of resources accurately reflecting user demand. If it's time to add a new user account to the solution, it is a quick operation. In settings such as DevOps, wherein many different types of professionals will all have access to the environment at once as part of an effort to create new software quickly, this flexible structure may prove especially handy.

PaaS products with cloud-specific design elements, ones that are not simply on-premise technology re-purposed for a hosted environment, can offer other advantages as well, including security features designed to let authorized users in and keep all other connections out, as well as connections to other technological offerings that can provide services including data integration.

Development is vital Working with applications is one of the most important roles within today's business environment. If companies don't optimize this element of operations, they may end up with substandard technology tools that are overlooked by users. A well-deployed app can establish a connection between disparate sections of the workforce, deliver vital information to employees who need it, or ensure communications with partners is smooth and reliable. If businesses do all they can to set app developers up with the advantages available to them, these positive scenarios become more likely. After all, they shouldn't have to fight through inhospitable platforms to create the vital applications.

Michelle Tackabery
An experienced content and social media marketing professional, Michelle writes frequently about the practical applications of information technology.
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