Heralding PLINQ into the LINQ party

Heralding PLINQ into the LINQ party

Posted on August 28, 2006 0 Comments

eWEEK reports today, the announcement of PLinq. I'll quite directly from the article, as Andreas Hejlsberg captures the concept succinctly: "With PLinq, effectively you write the code the same way, but we arrange for it to run on multiple CPUs," ...and... "So the queries get split up and run on multiple CPUs, and then you just wait for all the results to arrive. And lo and behold, without any changes your program just ran six times faster. It's instant gratification." Sounds very interesting I agree, but my immediate impression are we in danger of over rotating on LINQ, as a concept or perhaps even what it can deliver. I don't wish to draw any comparisons with similar or for that matter dis-similar technologies, but I am ill at ease that we might soon see a a serious outbreak out of mass developer confusion.

Jonathan Bruce

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