Just like many companies in these trying times, we too have asked many of our employees to work from home to protect their health. As a consequence of this decision, our network traffic characteristics have changed dramatically. This change comes with a variety of associated operational and security challenges.
Presumably, there are large numbers of other companies out there, which are experiencing the same situation. In this article, we would like to share our experience with three of the most concerning issues we’ve seen.
Though user experience isn’t necessarily our main priority, it was important for us to make sure that all Flowmoners can stay connected and can continue their work comfortably from home.
VPN is the go-to solution for securing remote connectivity. What has changed, however, is that instead of a few remote users, suddenly everyone is connecting. But the VPN wasn’t designed for such capacity. For us, this meant that regular weekday traffic went up ten times the normal amount. Though for larger companies, this increase can be completely different, the principles involved may be the same.
Depending on how you configured the VPN, you’ll either see an increase or drop in Internet uplink utilization. In Flowmon, we use many cloud-delivered apps (Google Suite, Salesforce, etc.), which users access directly from home. This meant that our company Internet uplink utilization went down. In fact, many of our users do not need VPN access at all. This is an advantage of being a modern, cloud-enabled company.
However, should your users utilize the uplink more than usual due to accessing on-prem-based services, liaise with your ISP. Many are generously offering temporary upgrades at this time. In addition, you can always restrict the services you allow to be used, for instance, block streaming apps. Given the tendency to overscale uplinks, this may not be a problem for most organizations.
Allowing your employees to work at their personal devices from home raises some serious security concerns. Usually, you have no control over these devices and security policies become hard to enforce. If this is your case, consider the following suggestions:
These are some best practice suggestions based on our experience. We hope you found them useful.
If you need assistance adjusting to the changes that are impacting you, contact support at support@flowmon.com.
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