How to Reap the Benefits of a Successful SaaS Deployment

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by Chuck Sicard Posted on September 19, 2016

As the SaaS market continues to grow, you can’t sit on the sidelines. Watch this webinar to learn what SaaS can do and how to implement it in your organization.

The SaaS market is growing at a rapid pace, with a recent IDC report anticipating the market will grow at an annual rate of about 25% to over $128.8 billion in 2019. On-premise software, on the other hand, will grow at about a fifth of that rate. There’s a good reason for this—as IT budgets shrink and business demands increase, the cloud has become a major component of delivering business transformation.

Why SaaS Is Growing So Quickly

Between 2015 and 2016, there was a 137% increase in organization adoption—companies that were light users have become heavier users, and more and more companies are getting started. This popularity is a result of some big benefits that can come from SaaS adoption. A key reason is improving bang for the buck, as it allows IT to do more with less—not to mention increasing business agility. That means organizations are spending less budget on IT while getting products to market faster.

For vendors who have not embraced SaaS, the time to do so is now. The success of SaaS for customers has decreased the need for customized on-premise solutions to the extent that cloud vendors as a whole are growing 12 times faster than traditional software vendors.

SaaS also offers vendors tremendous flexibility. It’s easy to reach out to new markets with a variety of scalable pricing models. You can more easily navigate geographic boundaries, swim up or downstream and update your offering quickly to improve customer retention.

Responding to Customer Concerns

Whether you’ve considered a SaaS model in the past or not, you’ve likely heard that some customers will be hesitant. They may cite security concerns, regulatory issues or other worries.

These are real concerns, but numerous organizations have thrived using SaaS solutions. With a well-developed plan and a trusted partner supporting you, it’s possible to address these issues and deliver a product that will meet your customers’ needs.

Learn How In a Webinar

To learn how a SaaS solution can work for you, as well as practical guidance around the essential requirements and overcoming obstacles, watch this on-demand webinar. Rob P. Mahowald, Group Vice President of IDC, and Colleen Smith, VP/General Manager of OpenEdge at Progress, discuss the worldwide economic impact of this surging business model. You’ll also want to check out our recent podcast, Scorching Hot Opportunities for Your Business with SaaS.

Chuck Sicard
Chuck Sicard
Responsible for developing Partner marketing programs and content to support enablement, communications and Partner planning for go-to-market campaigns. Provide Partners with consultative guidance, assets and programs to drive effective joint pipeline build and progression activities.
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