Ignite Your Co-Marketing with Progress!

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by A.J. Kriete Posted on October 20, 2014

At Progress, we know that as a Progress Partner, you may have a marketing and sales team – or that YOU MAY BE the marketing and sales team. We know that you may also be the head of operations, the legal team, director of finance, receptionist, janitor… etc. That’s why we’re dedicated to helping Partners like you with your various marketing initiatives such as demand generation, lead nurturing, communications, and much more.

One of the most important ways we can help is through our Ignite Marketing Resources Site. Log into PartnerLink, and visit the site today. We think you’ll like what you find.

With the help of our strategic partner, TSL Marketing, we’ve brought a ton of resources and experience to the site – all designed to help you quickly create, implement, and execute campaigns and activities that support your marketing initiatives. You can even work directly with TSL Marketing to help you create and ensure the success of your campaign! And if you qualify, you can leverage Partner Development Funds towards the costs.

Log into PartnerLink and visit the Ignite Marketing Resources Site today. And take the first step towards achieving your marketing goals!

AJ Kriete
A.J. Kriete
A.J. Kriete ia a Partner Marketing Manager that works with North America based OpenEdge Partners to help them drive revenue through demand generation marketing activities
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