We just completed a POC now ready for production using Progress DataDirect Connect64 XE for ODBC Salesforce driver to migrate, replicate, cleanse, and synchronize Salesforce CRM data using Informatica PowerCenter v9.0.1 running on Linux x64.
1. Download the free trial of the DataDirect Connect64 XE for ODBC Driver 6.1 for Unix/Linux. Verify patch level is 06.12.0071 or higher.
2. Test connect to your Salesforce account using our example program installed in samples/example.
3. Configure Informatica environment profile to include /lib directory of ODBC driver, and copy the [Salesforce] data source to Informatica's existing odbc.ini configuration file.
4. In odbc.ini data source configuration, set TransactionMode=1 for Salesforce data source.
[gsb_salesforce] Driver=/common/sumits/Connect64_for_ODBC_61Linuxx64/lib/ddsfrc25.so Description=DataDirect 6.1 Salesforce HostName=login.salesforce.com JVMArgs=-Xmx256m JVMClasspath=/app/pwcdev/Progress/DataDirect/Connect64_for_ODBC_61/java/lib/sforce.jar LogonDomain=progress.com SecurityToken=5oZ1dUZUcU2PXLIWwUS2hApl TransactionMode=1
5. Restart Informatica server to pick up new environment.
6. Create relational target or source for your workflow as if Salesforce were any other database connection.
1. Download free 15 day trial of the DataDirect Connect XE for ODBC or JDBC Salesforce drivers to integrate an unlimited number of applications with Salesforce.
2. Or call 1-800-876-3101 to speak with a live Solutions Consultant to learn how other organizations are making progress with DataDirect Connect Salesforce integration.
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