Infrastructure Management

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Threat Detection and Response: How Flowmon Detected an Attack in Real Time
January 27, 2025
This blog highlights how Progress Flowmon was instrumental in detecting a breach experienced by one of our customers.
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Multi-Cloud – Rise of Hybrid Networks and the Need to Monitor & Secure Them
Many organizations find themselves managing a hybrid infrastructure spread over on-premise and multiple public cloud provider platforms such as AWS, Azure, and Google for specific business applications. If you are lucky, all your cloud resources will be from a single provider, but in reality, it’s likely that multiple cloud services will be used. Alternatively, your CIO and IT team might want to spread services across multiple cloud platforms to provide resilience and guard against vendor lock-in. Whatever the reasons behind it, many industry analysts and experts expect hybrid infrastructure spread over multiple data centers and cloud platforms to be the norm even for small enterprise businesses.
Flowmon Integrations into Enterprise Ecosystem
In this blog post, we'll explore the various integration options available with Flowmon and how these integrations can help take your enterprise security and monitoring to the next level.
Dealing with Unknown Threats
The cybersecurity threat landscape facing every organization is constantly changing. Cybercriminals are always looking for new vulnerabilities to exploit or changing existing attack methods to bypass protections. They also go to great lengths to hide their activities within regular network traffic and application activity. The attack surface that organizations present to attackers is also in a constant state of flux.
Join the Flowmon Customer Validation Program
We would like to invite you to join the new Flowmon Customer Validation Program (CVP). This is a unique opportunity for you to actively influence future product development, share your feedback, explain your use cases, and see behind-the-scenes material and product roadmaps.

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