Infrastructure Management

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Threat Detection and Response: How Flowmon Detected an Attack in Real Time
January 27, 2025
This blog highlights how Progress Flowmon was instrumental in detecting a breach experienced by one of our customers.
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Making Data Storage More Secure with Progress Flowmon and Veeam Backup and Replication
We are happy to announce that Progress has teamed up with Veeam, a leader in data management and protection solutions. The new partnership between Progress and Veeam represents a significant step forward in cybersecurity. It marks a considerable advancement in data protection by merging the Flowmon AI-powered threat detection capabilities with the robust backup solution of Veeam. This empowers organizations to more effectively defend their invaluable digital assets.
Monitoring the Health Status of Progress Flowmon Appliances with IT Infrastructure Monitoring Tools
Progress Flowmon is a core network monitoring and security tool. Confirming if it is up and running can mean the difference between responding to a data breach or overlooking such a critical event. Like any other critical system, it is a good practice to include the monitoring of Flowmon uptime, resource consumption and health in an IT infrastructure monitoring (ITIM) dashboard, such as Progress WhatsUp Gold. Like many other ITIM tools, WhatsUp Gold provides various remote monitoring capabilities, such as SNMP, SSH or REST API-based "active" (WhatsUp Gold initiated) monitors or "passive" (Flowmon-initiated) Syslog monitoring. Depending on your environment size, either the WhatsUp Gold Free edition (for smaller deployments) or a commercially licensed version (for larger environments) would suffice.
After a Ransomware Infection – Enhancing Security for Your Infrastructure Against Further Intrusion
In a previous blog, we outlined the essential steps that organizations should take within the first two days after the detection of a ransomware attack. In this follow-up post, we’ll discuss what an organization should do after the initial response to reduce the risks of future attacks. We’ll also highlight how Progress Flowmon can support ongoing network monitoring, early detection of attacks and reduction of further damage.
Application-down Troubleshooting Through the Eyes of a Network Engineer
Imagine yourself wearing the hat of a network engineer, where no two days at work are alike. In this dynamic environment, you're often the first point of contact when something remotely IT-related goes wrong, with users frequently pointing fingers at the network. Yet, your expertise lies in knowing the intricacies of network traffic, a vital skill for addressing operational and performance challenges.

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