In this tutorial, you'll learn how to easily integrate data from your existing database tables into your Rollbase application.
In this blog, we will look at how we can integrate an existing database into Progress Rollbase Applications. Rollbase is a low-code platform that helps create all sorts of applications at unprecedented speed and efficiency. In most cases, you probably intend to modernize your existing applications to an all new user interface and experience. This can be easily achieved with Rollbase external database support. This feature is only available on private cloud.
We will build an Application in Rollbase which will have
As a prerequisite, we need to have a database schema with two tables 'Employee' & 'Department' as:
Rollbase installation comes with SQL files for four databases:
For the purpose of this blog, we will use the MySQL version and MySQL workbench. We will now run 'create_mysql.sql' script to install Rollbase tables on the existing schema.
Your database schema (rb_dbo) will now have existing tables (department, employee) and Rollbase tables (tables that start with 'rb_').
Let's take a quick look at the data from the 'employee' and 'department' tables.
We will configure databases.xml in Rollbase to point to this schema with External flag set. You can also set this using the Manage databases section in System Console app.
Let's start building our application in Rollbase with objects accessing data from the existing tables.
As a first step, we will create an Application 'External Table Demo' in Rollbase by launching the Application create wizard and click on 'Let me build it my way.'
1. We will now create the Department object that points to the 'department' table in the schema.
To conclude, we learned how easy it is to develop applications in Rollbase that can reuse your existing data. There is comprehensive documentation on this subject here.
Curious to learn more about Rollbase? Find out more here, or dive right in with a free 30 day trial at the link below (if you want a private cloud, be sure to choose that option).
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Manooj Murali is a Principal Software Engineer at Progress. He has been part of the Rollbase development team in Hyderabad for more than two years and has more than 8 years of experience overall in software development. He has led many feature developments like I18N, Marketplace, White-Labelling, JBOSS support, High Availability and more for Rollbase.
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