It’s been a while since we’ve blogged around Progress OpenEdge Mobile but there’s real gem included in the Progress OpenEdge 11.3 release that just shipped – Express Mobile! The development phase of a mobile app can take 5 weeks on average. With the Express Mobile wizard, development can be done in minutes with just a few clicks.
Basically, you can generate a fully featured Mobile application for a Database Table from a customizable template. When you create your new Mobile project in Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge you’ll now see an additional checkbox on the pane:
Check the box and once Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge has set up your environment, the wizard will ask you for the Database and Database table for which to generate the Mobile application:
In the example, I’ve selected the Supplier table from the Sports 2000 database. Click Finish and BOOM! you’re done. Time to get that well-earned cup of coffee and review the results. These days, a video is worth a thousand words, so here’s a short clip of how to use Express Mobile in OpenEdge 11.3.
Take it for a spin it’s a great productivity boost and a lot of fun!
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