Localizing the administrative backend of Sitefinity

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by The Progress Team Posted on April 13, 2011
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Sitefinity now allows you to have the administrative backend translated easily into any language. We have prepared 8 translations that you can download and plug into the system right away!
Here is what you need to do:

  • Download the Sitefinity backend language pack you would like to use from the Sitefinity Marketplace – it is an .xlsx file that contains all the backend labels;

  • Open the admin backend of your website and go to Administration -> Settings;

    goto administration settings

  • Choose the Languages option;

    go to settings -> languages

  • Click option Manage backend languages;

    settings -> manage backend languages
  • Add the language you would like your backend to be localized in by clicking on the Add language button and then by selecting the corresponding checkbox and clicking the Done button;

    Select backend language dialogue

  • Set that backend language as the default one and hit the Save Changes button;
    At first there will be no change to the backend language – we need to import the translated labels now, so let’s go ahead and do that.

  • Go to Administration -> Interface Labels and Messages;

    Administration->Interface Labels and Messages
  • Click the Import Language Pack button;

    Import language pack button

  • Select the language, for which you would like to import your language pack;

    Import language pack dialogue box

  • Select the .xlsx file with the translated labels by browsing to the location where you saved it on your computer and press the Import button. It will take a moment until the language pack is imported. When it’s done and you’re back on the Interface Labels & Messages page, refresh your page or navigate to another page. Your backend should now be translated in the language you chose!

    localized Dashboard in Arabic

  • The process of creating a new translation of the Sitefinity backend has been documented - you can find it in the official Sitefinity Documentation.

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