How to Build Web, Mobile and Chat Apps That Connect to Oracle
February 07, 2019
Learn about how Kinvey's app platform works well with Oracle databases, improving your app's performance and making it easy to connect to chat applications.
It’s tax time again and, like many of you, I will be filing my return electronically. Last year, the IRS reported that more than 112 million income tax returns were e-filed, or 77% of all the individual returns filed. That’s a lot of transactions hitting the IRS servers, and odds are with 112 million...
I recently wrote a blog post about visiting with hundreds of OpenEdge customers and partners, presenting the latest OpenEdge enhancements and gathering...
I’ve been traveling quite a bit lately, visiting with hundreds of OpenEdge customers and partners, presenting the latest OpenEdge enhancements and gathering their feedback on the current “state of the application development” world. And along the way I’ve learned a few things that I think are worth...