New Updates to Corticon Build on Market Leading BRE Success

New Updates to Corticon Build on Market Leading BRE Success

Posted on January 27, 2016 0 Comments

The latest release of Corticon has arrived, adding new features and capabilities. Read on to learn what’s new and watch our latest Corticon in 90 seconds video.

Yep, we have done it again. Today we announce the latest release of the new Progress Corticon Business Rules Engine (BRE), which has a proven track record of enabling IT and business professionals to collaborate on decision making with unparalleled speed and agility. Corticon allows companies to externalize the decision logic from the application code to quickly make the necessary changes to respond to regulatory demands, corporate compliance or competitive threats.

Each release continues to build on the market-leading BRE that has been successfully deployed in over 500 companies worldwide. In addition, the product performance and features have made it a favorite for many partners globally, who are using BRE as an integral part of their application modernization projects.

In this latest release, Corticon’s features include:

  • Web Console support for in-process deployment, allowing for the management and monitoring of the server
  • Capturing of rule messages to a database, allowing a business analyst to audit a decision service to meet compliance requirements or help diagnose runtime errors
  • Easy generation of  rule sheets from simple spreadsheets or actuarial table
  • Ability to limit database metadata import with the Corticon Enterprise Data Connector (EDC) to only the required vocabulary
  • EDC Support for MYSQL 5.6

A 2015 survey of IT professionals indicated that the top priority for application development was dealing with Changing Requirements. In fact, 62% of the respondents were unhappy with their current change-management methods. When probed, they stated that updating hard-coded business rule changes in applications was one of the top three challenges demanding considerable IT resources. This is especially painful in highly-regulated industries like healthcare, government, insurance and financial services. As a result, they are actively looking for alternatives.

Corticon provides that solution for them. Because of its intuitive nature, IT and business professionals can build, develop, test and deploy rules on the platform of their choice in minutes and hours—versus typically days for hard-coded business logic. Click here to see just a few of the examples of how our customers have been successful. For a quick and easy way to learn more information on this latest release, click to watch our Corticon in 90 seconds video or just play it below:


Kevin Foster

Kevin Foster is Senior Product Marketing Manager at Progress. He is responsible for the go-to-market planning, product marketing and strategy for Progress Corticon Business Unit. Kevin joined Progress in 2013, after 15 years of technology marketing and management experience with various hardware and software vendors. 


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