New video series on PSDN on Visual Designer and GUI for .NET

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by John Sadd Posted on January 04, 2010

Coordinated with the release of OpenEdge 10.2B, I have posted a new series of short educational videos on PSDN on using Visual Designer in OpenEdge Architect, and the OpenEdge support for the GUI for .NET. These fifteen videos, some with accompanying PDF documents that let you review the content and code samples in a bit more detail, cover many of the most important basic topics around using this very powerful new user interface development technology, including creating forms, using data management controls like the UltraGrid and the ProBindingSource, creating inherited controls and user controls, and many others. The videos are intended to complement the online help and other documentation, and to provide you with a more animated and visually oriented way to get to know this important part of OE 10.2.

These videos are in addition to the set of introductory videos that cover a lot of the basic topics related to using OpenEdge Architect. They're all available directly from the OpenEdge home page on the PSDN area of Progress Communities:

The landing page that summarizes all the new videos, and gives a recommended viewing order if you want to look at all of them, is here:

There's also a landing page for five introductory videos to get you started using Architect for the first time, covering topics such as creating your first Architect workspace and project, defining database connections for your workspace, setting project properties, building and running your project, and using the ABL Editor that's a central part of the value of developing in OpenEdge Architect. That page is here:

And then there's a continuing series of topics that go beyond the Getting Started series covering Architect subjects such as defining and using perspectives and views, maintaining structured procedures created in the AppBuilder, using the ABL Debugger, and various more advanced features of the ABL Editor. This includes two new videos on the support for ABL classes in Architect. Those sessions are all available here:

The videos are designed to be fairly self-contained, so that you can view what's of interest to you, though there is a recommended sequence to them that's indicated by their organization on the site. And they're kept to around seven to ten minutes each so that you're not overwhelmed with content, and so that you can try out what you've learned in each video before proceeding.

We're very interested in your feedback both on this specific set of presentations and on the general format that they use. We'll keep adding material on these are other product areas as time goes on. Keep us posted on your comments and recommendations, either as comments on this blog entry or messages directly to me at

John Sadd
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