Optimising Data for Mission-Critical Confidence

by Nicola Bradshaw Posted on March 28, 2019

I recently attended the international Airborne ISR & C2 Battle Management conference in London, which saw over 200 delegates from across the air and intelligence communities come together and discuss the need to strengthen partnerships across the air, space and cyber industries in order to enhance global intelligence.

Now in its sixth year, this year’s event focused on the changing nature of the ‘OODA loop’ – the cycle Observe-Orient-Decide-Act developed by US Air Force Colonel and military strategist, John Boyd – amidst today’s era of emerging disruptive technologies.

While Boyd’s theory is still widely discussed in military circles and remains very relevant today, the advancements in areas such as machine learning and quantum computing have created new questions about OODA’s role in mission-critical contexts across the full spectrum of conflict.

However, what remains as true as ever today is the importance of not only having access to mission-critical data, but having a platform in place to manage this data that enables real-time understanding and better decision-making.

This is where MarkLogic® can play a vital role in supporting the defense and intelligence communities. With MarkLogic, data that is spread across silos can be integrated and enhanced in geospatial, temporal and semantic contexts to enable the gathering and sharing of intelligence in even the most disconnected environments.

Consider, for example, when a government decides to procure a range of new vehicles or planes for its military/defense programme. Each new system comes with a vast amount of sensors that report about the operating state of the vehicle while also collecting huge volumes of mission-critical data. How could this be safely and securely transported, integrated and presented to commanders, providing them with a full intelligence picture?

Well, this is where MarkLogic can assist. A secure, agile database platform with real-time alerts and advanced search capabilities, MarkLogic streamlines data integration to help organisations across the defense and intelligence communities achieve a 360-degree view of their data for faster communication and a decision advantage across the full spectrum of conflict.

What’s more, MarkLogic is the only NoSQL database to be awarded Common Criteria Certification. Visit our National Security industry solutions page to find out more about this and how we can support companies across the defense and intelligence industries in achieving mission-critical confidence.

Nicola Bradshaw

Nicola is the Defence & Intelligence sales lead for MarkLogic in the UK. Following her service in the British Army, Nicola has passionately continued her career in the defense sector, including working in the Defence Trade Office in the British Embassy, Washington D.C., USA.

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