Oyez, Oyez! New Entities Supported by DataDirect

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by Mike Frost Posted on June 09, 2008

The image of the herald is one that pervades Western culture. The Biblical image of the archangel Gabriel announcing the forthcoming births of both John the Baptist and Jesus is one that Christians are very familiar with.

I'm not much of a herald. I'm hardly angelic, and I don't own a horn much less own one. I think I would have made a great town crier, though. I've been told that my voice carries - over cube walls, through doors, down hallways, across vast expanses, etc. I'm reasonably sure that being told that I have a voice with such a unique gift for being heard above the din of an office setting is a compliment. Isn't it?

All of this self-analysis brings me to the reason for my post today: my self-appointed role as town crier for news and announcements of interest to my loyal readers. To you, my faithful minions, I thrice toll my bell of harkening and lift my voice to loudly proclaim:

DataDirect to Support ADO.NET Entity Framework for Oracle Data Sources

Admittedly, this announcement is anti-climatic, for those of you who read this posting on the Microsoft blog last week, but it does bear repeating. There is a lot of interest right now among developers in the ease-of-use of LINQ and the productivity of the Entity Data Model. <marketing hat> Our announcement is meant to reaffirm that LINQ-based and Entity Data Model-based applications will experience the same unique benefits of using DataDirect's Connect for ADO.NET providers for relational database access as ones built to use current technologies such as DAAB. </marketing hat> (Sorry for that segueway, but you know I've got to give a shout out to now and again in order to pay the bills ^_^)

While this is hardly earth-shattering news or something with the weightiness of, say, a royal proclamation, it is one that we're proud to make because it's a signal of where our products are headed...sort of like a graduation announcement. It's enough to make a tough guy like me misty-eyed and emotional - it's like I'm witnessing a precocious little tyke growing up right before my eyes! *sniffle*

That's all for now. I'm off to hum a few bars to warm up for my daily auditory assault of my co-workers. Your comments and feedback are welcome so long as it doesn't compete with the "11" setting of volume knob of my strident self-important braying.

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Mike Frost
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