The final day of Progress Revolution opened once again with phenomenal keynote luminaries. Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger described his extraordinary landing on the Hudson River after hitting a flock of birds. Sully attributed his monumental landing with his preparedness for emergencies through extensive flight training. Also his composed style of leadership allowed him to keep calm and take charge during the emergency. Sully is truly an inspiration to all of us and reminds us we must all be prepared to respond in critical situations.
Of course, how can we forget about Ben Zander’s incredibly animated keynote? Zander instilled a positive outlook for life in everyone in the audience—to invent things that make us happy and to shout, “How fascinating!” when we make inevitable human mistakes. Furthermore, Zander turned the Progress audience into the Progress choir as he conducted us while we sang “Happy Birthday” to Greg and Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, “Ode to Joy.”
Progress Revolution was truly an unforgettable experience. I truly wish everyone had an awesome last day at Progress Revolution and I hope you gave us an “A”!
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