RIA Rich Clients mainstream in 2-5 years? Progress customers have them since the year 2000!

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by Salvador Vinals Posted on August 29, 2008

In the recent research note “Hype Cycle for Web and User Interaction Technologies, 2008”¹, published 7 July 2008 (Gartner document ID Number: G00159447),  Gartner provides a comprehensive analysis of user interface technologies for the Web throughout the Hype Cycle² stages: from Technology Trigger to Plateau of Productivity through Peak of Inflated Expectations.   In addition, for each technology Gartner assigns a projection of Years to Mainstream Adoption.

The section of the document that caught my attention and inspired me to write this blog is ‘RIA Rich Client’ by Ray Valdes.   Gartner defines ‘RIA Rich Client’ to refer to ‘…a subset of Rich Internet Application (RIA) platforms that consist of outside-the-browser client-side technology, such as Adobe Air, Sun Microsystems’ Java FX, Microsoft’s Windows Presentation Foundation, Eclipse Rich Client Platform and IBM Lotus Expeditor…’   Gartner places ‘RIA Rich Client’ in the Peak of Inflated Expectations stage with 2-5 years to Mainstream Adoption.

This is good news for Progress® customers because they have been using RIA Rich Client ‘world-class business applications³ since the year 2000, when we first introduced Progress® WebClient™ with IntelliStream™!

Progress WebClient – a product of the Progress OpenEdge® platform to deploy, provision and run Windows-desktop GUI business applications outside-the-browser over the Internet, Intranet or LAN – provides the same support for Windows-desktop graphical user interfaces as the traditional Client/Server OpenEdge client product. Once users install WebClient on their PC (one time download), they can quickly download the user interface components they need and run the application. 

You can launch Progress WebClient either from a shortcut or from a Web browser, but it does not actually run in the browser. WebClient runs in its own window as a separate application, not as a traditional plug-in to a Web browser, and not using emulation (e.g. Citrix or Terminal Services).

IntelliStream™ is a Progress technology to automate deployment and provisioning.  IntelliStream features a flexible, server-based provisioning model where ISVs can choose whether they want to provision the application from Web servers, file servers or even on OpenEdge AppServers.  IntelliStream enables WebClient to determine whether the application components have changed and need to be updated. Then WebClient downloads only those user interface resources to the users’ PC. It delivers exactly the parts of an application that end users need, when they need them. 

But we’ve not been standing still since the year 2000.  Because business power users need state-of-the-art user interfaces, WebClient has evolved to support .NET Winforms as well.

In summary, Progress WebClient retains all the richness of the traditional GUI clients but with the reach of the Internet, and automates deployment and provisioning for flexibility, ease of use and to keep the costs down, that is: Rich Client RIAs. 

¹ Hype Cycle for Web and User Interaction Technologies, 2008
Publication Date: 7 July 2008 ID Number: G00159447
David Gootzit, Gene Phifer, Ray Valdes, Nikos Drakos, Anthony Bradley, Kathy Harris, Daniel Sholler, Massimo Pezzini, Yefim V. Natis, Bill Gassman, David Mitchell Smith, David W. Cearley, Roy W. Schulte, Stephen Prentice, Nicholas Gall, William Clark, Anne Lapkin

² Understanding Hype Cycles

³ Progress WebClient-based business applications in production include hundreds of enterprise applications across most verticals, for example: Financial and Stock Broker Mgmt (5500 users), Growers Mgmt  (7000 users), Hospitals Mgmt, Libraries Mgmt,  Managed Healthcare, and many more.

Salvador Vinals
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