SOA What I'm Saying Is, Data Access Matters

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by Mike Frost Posted on June 10, 2008

You may be wondering what the picture at right has to do with the subject of this blog entry. The answer: nothing. It's just a humorous photo that made me smile this morning. I mean, how often do you see kids these days pantomiming Snidely Whiplash?

Anyway, on to the real reason for this entry: shameless self-promotion. My article, Solving Data Access Problems in SOA Environments, has been published by ITarchitect, a UK-based online publication. It has also been published in print in ITarchitect's, sister publication, VSJ. The article covers much of the same ground as the presentation that I gave at the MySQL 2008 Conference & Expo (the one that I blogged about last month). Basically, if you are looking for more explanation wrapped around the slides in my presentation, then this the article to read. I am also told that insomniacs can also find something of value from reading my article. Essentially, if you are software architect who can't sleep, my article should be considered required reading.

Perhaps an even better article on the same subject can be found at SOAWorld Magazine. Here we see a smart gentleman named John Goodson writing on the subject of Best Practices for SOA: Building a Data Services Layer. What makes him so smart you ask? Well, short of reading the article and figuring out why for yourself, you can always fall back on the fact that he has managed to keep me gainfully employed - in my world, that counts for something (even if it doesn't exactly make me an unbiased reviewer). ^_^

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Mike Frost
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