Suzanne Rose invites you to check out popular posts you may have missed during the cold winter months.
Winter’s chill is out of the air and it’s beginning to feel a lot like spring. Along with warmer temperatures and a lot of pollen—at least here in the Southeast!—spring brings an opportunity for new beginnings and reaffirmation of old goals. For a lot of people, this takes the form of spring cleaning.
While most people might look forward to the opportunity to unburden themselves from the past, it can be equally exciting to rediscover what’s been put away on the shelf in your storage room. Old family photos, journals, and other mementos are great reminders of where we come from and what we’ve resolved to do. Whether they trigger a nostalgic memory or a poignant life event, there are a lot of lessons to be learned from the past.
At Progress® DataDirect®, we’re doing some spring cleaning of our own. While combing through the blog archives, we found a few posts from last year (and several from earlier this year) that are worth taking another look at—or a first look if you missed them the first time around. In any case, these posts give you a sampling of our recent triumphs as well as insight into the current state of affairs in the world of data integration and connectivity.
Check out the posts that grab your interest and let us know which ones were most useful to you while you continue to chart your course for the rest of the year and beyond.
As for DataDirect, we are looking forward to a great spring and summer continuing to expand our support for new data sources while improving the performance of our current offerings. We've got a lot of stuff in the works right now that you can preview today, including:
Make sure you sign up for a preview today!
Suzanne Rose was previously a senior content strategist and team lead for Progress DataDirect.
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