Tag: 4GL

Making IT into the Enabler of Change
By enabling citizen developers, IT can concentrate on higher value work and engage more effectively with the business.
Mark Troester January 28, 2015
Exchange Online 2009 - Behind the Scenes
In early Spring 2009, when we began planning our first online conference, we had no idea what to do. We knew that we wanted to do something unique and different, but had no idea how long it would take get things done, what would be hard or easy, or how many people we would need. We didn't even...
Exchange Online 2009

Exchange Online 2009 has come, but it’s not gone.  With over 2,000 participants from every continent around the world attending 36 sessions on diverse topics such...

Business-orientation and object-orientation

With enhancements in the OpenEdge 10.1x release family, ABL (Advanced Business Language) is being extended with standard formal object-oriented (OO) functionality: objects, classes, methods, polymorphism, inheritance, delegation, statics, properties, strong typing, and more.

A big...

Of OpenEdge, Toasters and Vacuum Cleaners

Are toasters and vacuum cleaners ultimate examples of commodities? Of course!, right? Well, think again.

A few months back I read ‘The Myth of Commoditization’ by Michael Schrage, an article in the ‘MIT Sloan Management...

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