Apple recently announced their "Sign in with Apple" feature. TJ VanToll explains how it works, as well as the benefits—and controversies—that come with it for developers and users.
As the leading HIPAA compliant Enterprise Health cloud, we are proud to announce the release of the Beta version of our Apple ResearchKit SDK to help developers accelerate the delivery of HIPAA compliant medical research apps.
Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart examines the future of home automation IoT in the second part of his CES 2015 report.
In home automation devices, the interoperability situation is a bit more complicated as we have different protocols (software and hardware) and different ecosystems.
Now that the dust has settled from last week’s Apple announcement, it’s time to get down to business. Alongside the iPhone 6 and Apple Watch that have people buzzing, Apple revealed iOS8 and with it, a number of new features that are sure to please enterprise application developers.
First, there is...