Tag: authentication

Build an Angular App Leveraging Sitefinity Headless Capabilities, Part IV Featuring Personalization
In the fourth part of our tutorial, learn how to show personalization in your headless app using Sitefinity OData services.
Build an Angular App Leveraging Sitefinity Headless Capabilities, Part III Featuring Default Authentication
In the third part of our tutorial, learn how to set up the Default authentication for an Angular app that consumes Sitefinity CMS OData services using Sitefinity’s easy-to-use OData SDK.
Why Your Encryption is Only as Good as Your (Multi-Factor) Authentication
Username and password may be the de-facto means of authentication for many organizations, but they can easily be the weakest link in security controls. In this article, we’ll detail why Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) should be paired with encryption for top-level...
Build an Angular App Leveraging Sitefinity Headless Capabilities, Part II
In the second part of our tutorial, learn how to set up authentication for an Angular app that consumes Sitefinity CMS OData services using Sitefinity’s easy-to-use OData SDK.
Implementing a Mobile Biometric Authentication System for Enterprise Applications
Learn how to easily reuse your existing enterprise authentication and integrate mobile biometric authentication in your apps with NativeScript and Kinvey.
TJ VanToll April 10, 2019

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