Tag: complex event processing

Apama 4.2 release - Cruising in the fast lane
Apama 4.2 release - Cruising in the fast lane
The Apama engineering team has done it once again. True to our record of releasing significant new features in the Apama product every 6 months, the v4.2 release is hot off the presses with major new...
If You Build It They Will Come, An Apama Algo Webinar
IF You Build It They Will Come
My colleague Dan Hubscher and I just finished the first of a two part Webinar entitled "Build Quickly, Run...
Business Events and Operational Responsiveness - our research

Yesterday, we published a press release on some research that we commissioned from a independent research firm. I wanted to give a bit more background to the...

EPTS, the Symposium of Trento
EPTS, the Symposium of Trento
How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? I suppose that was a question debated at the Council of Trent that took place in Trento, Italy back in the 16th century....
Good application development practices are critical for EP project success

Mike Gaultieri, a analyst at Forrester Research, takes application developers to task for not knowing what the business wants.

This has never been more the case than in the case of...

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