Are you planning to be in San Francisco next week for COMPTEL Plus? If so, don’t forget to stop by the Progress booth, # 714, to chat about end-to-end customer experience management in the communication and media space and hear about...
Recently, I’ve noticed a disconcerting uptick in providers adjusting pricing plans, services or cutting services altogether. I assume these are revenue-driving measures – but it got me thinking: are providers...
Even if you have the latest and greatest communications technology at your disposal, if the user experience is poor, all value is lost. It is the provider’s job to ensure that user expectations are met and that network disturbances don’t negatively affect the end user’s experience, which could result...
With the market for cellular customers now saturated across most of the developed world, retaining existing customers has become a major priority for mobile operators. This is because it is demonstrably more cost-effective to retain existing customers than to attempt to win new ones from their...